Mark of Redditch, who had a new VW Touareg Diesel Estate (2014 - 2019) on 03/08/2015
Delivery Person Comments
He was a pleasant chap, I gave him a lift to the local town to get back.
Delivery Punctuality Comments
Slightly later delivery than expected, but ok.
Overall Punctuality Comments
Slightly later delivery than expected, but ok.
Cleanliness Comments
It was a cleaned car, but the process involved is not upto standard IMO, including the tyre shine which splattered all over the side of the car in the 40miles it was driven to me, making looking for imperfections very difficult, 1 wheel and 2 tyres had been changed but the evidence of this was still very apparent on the alloys, adhesive from external protective stickers still remained on the car in various places, protective stickers remained on the steering wheel (easy to remove, but still). Space saver spare wheel was "USED", and not even cleaned after, before being returned to the boot.
Damage Comments
Scratch on plastic arch (very minor), two alloys not up to standard, dealer has visited and agreed they are not right and will look to replace with new under warranty
Dealer Service Comments
PDi poor, for example, general attention to detail, tyre pressures (safety) doesn't inspire confidence when warning lights come on the first morning of use, especially when you can check from inside the car!!! what else didn't they check? stickers left on, adhesive not removed, did they cause the damage to wheels / tyres?
Delivery man John was nice, very presentable.
Simon Smith - timely communication and visit first thing the next morning, impressed he visited and was understanding, and apologized (which doesn't cost anything, but means a lot) and promised to get things sorted.
Overall Comments
Let down with first delivery slot due to damage to the car, the second delivery slot was late in notice provided(Friday evening, for Monday delivery)
Delivery Communication Comments
Very little communication with Dealer, good communication with you guys.
More notice planning on the delivery date, planning is everything, and I felt this Monday delivery was dumped on me, but it actually created unexpected stress not having a plan and good notice period for the delivery date, and I have ended up with an insurance policy I am not happy with, where there was no time to sort an alternative.
Stop using the 'shine' on the tyres to make them shiny, they are brand new, there are better products to use that make no "fling" mess, horrible and messy, if they are going to use this, then put it on the back of a trailer, so it doesn't create carnage en-route, and you sign off no damage with confidence, as it is still clean, (the next day is another matter).
Improve attention to detail PDI, I have not got a lot of confidence in the PDI based on tyre readings all being low, especially when a check takes 10 seconds on the readings from the car itself, and with the two tyres even being replaced but having different pressures even still!