Personal Proposal Form

If you are proposing a car as a BUSINESS (e.g. sole trader, partnership, LTD Co.) CLICK HERE.

HOLLY explains how to propose a car! VIDEO

The first stage of getting a new car is this "finance proposal".

This is where the funder will check if they agree to write a contract for the car.

- This is my car proposal form
If you just want a quote on a car price, rather than to propose a car, please click HERE.

After SUBMITTING this form you will still have a "safety"
mechanism to re-confirm you want me to ACTION it...

You have no worries:
When you have finished this form and submitted it, I always re-confirm everything with you BEFORE I go ahead.
- Ling

Off we go! Enjoy my form, please fill in as much as you can...


Set up your account (or log in)

_hover_text='When you get a car from LINGsCARS, I communicate on the web in a secure area called "LINGO". I need you to give me your email and a password, so you can log in and everything will be protected.'
This form does not commit you :) (SO GO FOR IT)

Choose a Car

Your Personal Info

Current Address

Job Info

Bank Details

Proposal Summary



Commitment & Security Questions

Does this form commit me to a car?

No it doesn't... but I don't want to encourage you to fill form in without actually wanting a car. This finance proposal form does not commit you to taking a car. It is simply to see if finance company likes look of you. A search will be marked on your finance file. If you are just wanting to confirm the price of a car, a) my website prices are correct, b) please use the QUOTE form for a car not on my website.

When do I order the car?

After you pass the finance check, I send you a car ORDER form. The car order form is form you sign to order the car. So; Finance Proposal form = no commitment. Order form = commitment. Please think carefully when you get the order form. Please don't order the car if you may want to cancel it. I put my neck on the line to commit to these cheap new cars.

So what happens to this information?

I check it, then send it to one of my many finance company contacts. They run you through their systems and come back to request more information or say "Accepted as proposed" or "Sorry, declined". All information is handled very securely. It is never given out to 3rd parties, so the only people who may see it are the finance companies, the supplying dealer and me.

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